Types of hearing aids

Hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes and it’s important to find the right style of hearing aid for you. In order to find out which hearing aid will be best we will discuss your requirements and perform a hearing test.

Mini In The Canal Aid

Micro-in-the-canal (MIC) hearing aids are the smallest type of custom fitted hearing aid and are the latest type of aid available. More info.

Completely In The Canal Aid

Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are more powerful than micro-in-the-canal aids, but remain almost invisible. More info.

Completely In The Canal Aid

In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids perhaps offer the ultimate in features and allow the use of wireless accessories. More info.

Completely In The Canal Aid

Receiver-In-the-canal (RIC) hearing aids fit behind the ear and in some instances can be more comfortable than in-the-ear aids. More info.